Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where have all the Cowboy's gone?

Its that time of year again. I know it because I am going through withdrawls from all of my velo-friends. Its also the time when we start spending money on new bike parts and drafting up race schedules and training plans that will all fall apart within the first week of the season.

A few things that happened in the cycling world since my last post:
  • I'm now gainfully employed. Bottom line- I should have ridden more when I had the time.
  • The PSSWC was again an absolute blast. Even though I dropped 4 beers out of an expensive 6 pack of Bell's.
  • I placed 9th in Expert 24-29 at Iceman on my Soul Cycles Dillenger SS 29er
  • I got my ass kicked at several Cyclocross races around the state of Michigan this fall
  • The Racing Greyhounds adopted a bunch of new Puppys

First up this year will be the 35 mile variety of Barry Roubaix the fixed gear.

One gear One love.

1 comment:

Dan Frayer said...

Are you residing in Battle Creek now?